Safety Code 
  • Each team Manager should have a first-aid kit and phone at each practice/game. (A first aid kit will be located in the Concession Stand).
  • No game or practices should be held when weather or field conditions are not favorable, particularly when lighting is inadequate.
  • Practices and game fields should be inspected frequently for holes, damage, stones, glass or any other foreign objects. (Problems with game field should be reported to the league office.)
  • All team equipment shall be stored within the team dugout.
  • Equipment should be inspected regularly for proper condition and proper fit.
  • Catcher, must wear catcher?s helmet, mask, throat guard, long model chest protection, shin guards and protective cup with athletic supporter at all times (males) for all practices and games. No Exceptions; Managers should encourage all male players to wear protective cups and supporters for all practices and games.
  • Catchers must wear catcher?s helmet and mask with a throat guard in warming up pitchers. This applies between innings and in the bullpen during a game and also during practices.
  • Managers and Coaches may not warm up a pitcher before or during a game.
  • Only players, managers, coaches, and umpires are permitted on the playing field or in the dugout during games and warm-up sessions.
  • During practice and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.
  • During warm up drills players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by a wild throw or missed catch.
  • All pre-game warm-ups shall be preformed in the confines of the playing field.
  • Batters shall wear approved protective helmets during batting practices and in games.
  • On deck batters are not permitted (except in Junior Division).
  • During sliding practice, bases should not be strapped down or anchored.
  • Except when a runner is returning to a base, headfirst slides are not permitted.
  • At no time shall ?horse-play? be permitted on the playing field.
  • Parents of players who wear glasses should be encouraged to provide safety glasses.
  • Players shall not wear watches, rings, pins or metallic items during games and practices.
  • If possible players should not be left in the company of just one adult, there shall always be at least 2 players or adults.
  • Managers and Coaches shall trained in proper mechanics and Little League philosophy. (hitting, sliding, and fielding)
  • All volunteers, managers, and coaches will be required to complete a criminal history record information sheet.

Accident Reporting 

  • Report all accidents to the Safety Officer.
  • Complete accident form.
  • If an accident form is not available then; write down the Where, When, What, Why, and How.
  • If hospitalization is required call a Safety Officer within 24 hours, so the proper insurance forms can be completed.
    Safety Coordinators: Grady Slaydon (979) 776-8821 and Allen Ray (979) 774-0557

Equipment Shed Safety 

  • The equipment shed should be kept closed at all times.
  • Only adults should enter the shed to remove equipment.
  • All equipment should be stored in its proper place. 
  • Broken equipment should be marked as such and reported to the league office.