It is important that we all remember our purpose and goals for participating in Little League. Each child playing will make mistakes as well as each coach. It’s our duty to help teach each child that mistakes happen and we learn from those mistakes. This in turn helps us to become better players and better people in the future.


Of Players…
  • To be on time to all games and practices.
  • To always do their best.
  • Be supportive of all members of the team.
  • To pay attention during practice and games.
  • Have fun.

Of Parents…
  • To come out enjoy games and practice.
  • Support all the players on the team, they will all make mistakes.
  • Not to holler at the coaches, players, or umpires. We teach by example.
  • To treat everyone as you would like him or her to treat you.
  • Allow the coaches and managers to handle the business of the game.

Of Coaches…
  • To be early to all games and practices.
  • To coach and encourage to the best of your ability.
  • To be as fair as possible to all the players.
  • To be open to suggestions, ideas and help.
  • To teach the importance of teamwork.
  • To not holler at the players or umpires, but to talk to them in a respectful manner.

This safety manual was developed to help you, the coaches, and managers. If you feel at any time that a rule or code needs to be changed for the improvement of the league, please notify the Safety Officer in writing so the change can be considered. This league is for the kids to enjoy and share. If we all work together we can make Harvey Little League an enjoyable place for years to come.