Important Do's & Don'ts to Remember 

  • Reassure and aid children, who are injured, frightened, or lost.
  • Know your limitations.
  • Carry your first-aid kit to all games and practices.
  • Provide, or assist those who require medical attention - and remember when administering aid.

    1. Look for signs of injury (Blood, Redness, Deformity of joints, etc.)
    2. Listen to the injured describe what happened and what hurts, if conscious. Before questioning, you might have to calm down an excited child.
    3. Feel gently and carefully around the injured area for signs of swelling.
  • Have your players Medical Clearance Forms with you at all games and practices.
  • Make arrangements to have a phone available at all games and practices.
  • Wear gloves when handling any bodily fluids.
  • Complete accident report.


  • Administer any medication.
  • Provide any food or beverages (other then water).
  • Hesitate in giving aid when needed.
  • Be afraid to ask for help if you?re not sure of the proper procedures.
  • Leave an unattended child at a practice or game.
  • Hesitate to report any present or potential safety hazard to the Safety Officer.